You can reach us at 0191 257 0642

You can reach us at 0191 257 0642


Power Your Space with White Knight Electrics

We specialize in providing residential, commercial, and industrial electrical solutions that ensure safety, reliability, and efficiency. With a team of highly skilled electricians and a commitment to excellence, we're here to meet all your electrical needs, including Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) and more. Discover how White Knight can illuminate your space with precision and professionalism.

Our Electrical Services

1. Residential Electrical Services
Our residential electrical services are designed to enhance the comfort and safety of your home:
Electrical Installations: Professional installation of lighting, outlets, switches, and more.Electrical Repairs: Prompt and reliable repair services for electrical issues.Home Rewiring: Ensuring the safety and functionality of your electrical system.Panel Upgrades: Upgrading your electrical panel to accommodate increased power demands.Home Automation: Implementing smart home solutions for convenience and energy efficiency.EICRs: Comprehensive Electrical Installation Condition Reports to assess and certify your electrical system's safety and compliance.
2. Commercial Electrical Services
We provide comprehensive electrical solutions for businesses:
Commercial Wiring: Expert wiring for offices, retail spaces, and commercial properties.Lighting Solutions: Design and installation of energy-efficient lighting systems.Emergency Services: Rapid response for electrical emergencies to minimize downtime.Data and Communication: Ensuring seamless connectivity for businesses.EICRs: Thorough Electrical Installation Condition Reports for commercial properties to meet safety and regulatory standards.
3. Industrial Electrical Services
Our industrial electrical services are tailored to the unique needs of industrial facilities:
Industrial Wiring: Wiring solutions designed to handle heavy-duty machinery and equipment.Safety Systems: Implementation of safety systems to protect employees and assets.Energy Efficiency: Enhancing energy efficiency through electrical system optimization.Maintenance Contracts: Ongoing maintenance to ensure the reliability of your electrical systems.EICRs: In-depth Electrical Installation Condition Reports for industrial facilities to ensure compliance and safety.
4. Electrical Consultation
Our experienced team offers valuable insights and consultation for your electrical projects, ensuring they are meticulously planned and executed, including EICR consultations for compliance and safety.

electrical board

Why Choose White Knight?

1. Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the electrical industry, our team is well-versed in the latest technologies and safety standards. We combine our knowledge with precision to deliver results that meet and exceed your expectations.
2. Customized Solutions
We understand that every project is unique. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and design preferences, ensuring your space is powered exactly the way you want it.
3. Timely Completion
We recognize the importance of meeting project timelines. Our efficient project management ensures that your electrical work is completed on schedule, minimizing disruptions to your home or business operations.
4. Customer Satisfaction
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring your electrical systems are safe, compliant, and reliable.