Common Roofing Mistakes
What one can’t see, they can’t judge, likewise in roof construction. Climbing heights of buildings to inspect roofing works is key for any supervising client and consultant. Roofing is usually left to the roofers and its end product easily appreciated, not until signs of roof damages are suspected.
Damaged or poorly constructed roofs cannot easily be identified from the outside of a building as compared to the inside. These are seen from leakages on ceilings and sometimes iron sheets tearing off during windy days. These are seen after a period of months or years, and could is most likely impossible to claim repairs from the contractors. For a perfect and effectively functional roof, you sure need to trust roofing experts. Or rather, close supervision of the roofing works will definitely save you a lot of repair costs.
1. Roofing without drawings.
Every roofing works comes with specifications. Every project must have detailed roof drawing details, specifying the pitch angle, roof materials, spacing between trusses. These are the guide to a perfect roof if critically observed.
Any building changes made on site must be in constant approval of a project designer or architect to preserve or modify the building design with architectural considerations observed.
2. Using fewer nails than required
It is common that many contractors will aim at saving as much costs as possible. Yes, this can go as far as reducing the amount of roofing nails. Roofing can be quite expensive to construct and likewise easy to save from. But if you’ve paid for quality, so should the delivery of the construction work.
3. Using wrong nail patterns
Though not known to many, roof sheets are nailed following a specific pattern to ensure that the sheets are firmly fixed onto timber trusses. If the roof shingles are nailed without the defined pattern considerations, weak joints are are created. These are most likely to pull off of the roof shingles when subjected under great wind loads.
Also, be careful to use the right roofing nails and sizes when roofing your property.
4. Poor pipe installations
Leakages and damp are brought about by along roof gutters and drop pipes installed together with the roof. Some of the major mistakes rise from nailing of drop pipes at their extreme corners which eventually weaken its support. Overtime, rain water is likely to constantly seep into the building walls due to such plumbing weak joints.